It’s time to confront those thoughts.

Therapy for body image and disordered eating

 Do you frequently have negative thoughts about your body?

Maybe you’ve struggled with an eating disorder in the past.

Do you find it difficult to be present because of self deprecating thoughts?

Do you have a complicated relationship with food?

How therapy works

You can learn to find freedom from those thoughts.

First, we will explore where your body image distress comes from. We’ll discuss messages that you received throughout your childhood as well as in your current situation that contribute to negative beliefs and insecurities. We will discuss your eating habits and establish if they are serving you or not. I often encourage, and sometimes require, you to work with a dietitian in order for us to reach your fullest potential for healing. Don’t have one? I can help you find an eating disorder-informed dietitian.

You will learn coping skills to reduce and eliminate behaviors, and to quiet the thoughts. You will learn to challenge and reframe the negative thoughts you’ve heard for so long. You will be able to separate those disparaging thoughts from your authentic thoughts. We will work together to establish gratitude for all that your body does for you.

Therapy for body image and disordered eating can help you…

  • Feel gratitude for your body

  • Challenge the negative beliefs that have broken you down

  • Enjoy meals with loved ones

  • Truly nourish yourself

  • Be present and finally participate in your own life

Frequently asked questions about therapy for body image and disordered eating


  • We will explore where your negative beliefs and behaviors come from, and will implement coping skills and thought reframing to establish eating habits and thoughts that serve you better.

  • If thoughts of food and/or your body take over a significant amount of your time, you would benefit from addressing this in therapy.

  • Fill out my contact form and you will hear from me shorlty! Learn more.

Healing starts today.