You can take back control.

Therapy for anxiety

 Do you often feel stressed and overwhelmed?

Maybe you find yourself overanalyzing interactions from your day.

Do you experience panic attacks?

Perhaps you dwell on the “what ifs” and worry about the future.

How therapy works

You can learn to slow down those thoughts.

First, we’ll explore the nature of those anxious thoughts. What’s causing the anxiety? How long have you been experiencing this? What triggers the anxious thoughts? The first several sessions are spent getting to know each other and allow us both to get a grasp on the presence of anxiety in your life.

Then, we’ll discuss skills you can utilize to combat the anxiety. You will learn to challenge and reframe those thoughts, as well as gain a toolkit of coping skills that are tailored for you in order to bring more of a sense of peace and confidence into your life. With commitment to your new skills, you can start to notice a difference in situations that had previously elevated your anxiety quickly.

Therapy for anxiety can help you…

  • Focus on what’s actually important to you

  • Be more present in your relationships

  • Feel more confident

  • Find peace

  • Accomplish your goals

Frequently asked questions about anxiety therapy


  • We will identify triggers and then work to reframe thoughts and learn helpful coping skills.

  • A certain level of anxiety isn’t necessarily harmful, but if you find that your anxious thoughts are interfering with school, work, or social situations, it’s a good time to seek help.

  • Fill out my contact form and you will hear from me shortly! Learn more.

 Healing starts today.